
Membership of the SCMA offers extended benefits to Catholic healthcare professionals and students. Only members of the association are eligible for election and members will receive regular notice of Association activities including meetings.


Current subscription rates per annum are as follows:

  • £45 full membership [A concessionary rate of £30 per annum is also available for those on lower incomes – please apply]
  • £60 for couples who both wish to be members [Joint membership]
  • £10 student membership [for the duration of student course]

Subscriptions are due on the 1st October annually.

Application Procedure

Please complete & return the membership applications form as below:

SCMA Membership form

Completed forms will be forwarded to the Treasurer who will liaise with you further regarding subscriptions.

Extended Network

The SCMA is associated with the Catholic Medical Association (UK) who are members of both the European and International associations of Catholic Medical Associations

  • International Federation of Catholic Medical  Associations
  • European federation of Catholic Medical  Associations